
Every year, thousands of people in our community come to WAVI seeking shelter, safety, and support – and the tools to give themselves and their children a life free from violence. They are people we know and interact with – our mothers, sisters, coworkers, brothers, fathers, friends. Each of their journeys is unique, and never easy. In each situation, one thing remains the same: each person who has the courage to seek help still needs hope.


Right now, someone is walking through the door at WAVI, or reaching out for help and hope. Help us break the cycle of violence together.

Your generous gift changes lives. Here’s how:


provides a fresh set of clothing to a sexual assault victim when they check in to the shelter.


provides education to 50 individuals about healthy relationships, and what to do if they or someone they know is hurt or abused.


gives a night without violence in WAVI’s shelter for a family of four.


provides socks and shoes for seven people.


prints 300 Survivor’s Handbooks filled with crucial resources, given to every WAVI client.


ensures that WAVI will have staff to answer our crisis hotlines 24 hours a day for four days.

Domestic violence happens across all socioeconomic, racial, gender, and age groups.

Domestic violence is a leading cause of homelessness among survivors because there is no safe home for them to return to.

In the U.S., nearly 20 people per minute are physically abused by an intimate partner. This equates to more than 10 million women and men per year.

Your gift will help WAVI continue to provide services to victims of domestic and sexual abuse.

 Additional ways to support WAVI:

There are many ways to donate to WAVI, ensuring that our fight against domestic violence continues. All gifts are tax deductible, and documentation will be provided.


Cash gift or pledge, by mail or online. One-time, monthly, quarterly or annual gifts are welcome and provide education, safety, resources, and hope to the families we serve today, and the ability to build a healthy, happy, violence-free life tomorrow.

Matching Gifts

Many employers offer matching gift programs for their employees, which means your gift to WAVI could be doubled or even tripled. Check with your HR representative to find out if your employer participates.

Planned Giving

Planned gifts for general or endowment support. This option involves a bequest, ensuring that some or all of your estate will go to WAVI. Gifts to our general fund will be used for operations and programming; endowment gifts will go toward our endowment, and annual distributions will be used as needed by WAVI.


Publicly traded securities, stocks, bonds, and mutual funds may be donated.

Life Insurance

Simply name WAVI as the principal beneficiary of an insurance policy.

Meal Train

With your help, we are able to provide consistent nourishment to our survivors as they undergo the healing process at Working Against Violence, Inc. Click here to sign up or donate.


You can help us make a difference. We welcome volunteers for a variety of positions. Click here to learn more.


 WAVI’s Impact:

A woman came to WAVI seeking services for herself and her children. While she had utilized our services in the past, she was faced with difficulties that prompted her to revisit with her case manager with the hopes of changing her trajectory and taking the steps to secure a healthy life for herself and her children.

She started with identifying goals she wanted and then relaying them to her case manager. Together, they created steps to help her achieve her goals, which included attending a treatment program to help her achieve and model the healthy lifestyle she wanted for both her and her children.

Next, she enrolled in higher education classes with the dream of becoming a social worker to help others who have also encountered challenges. After enrolling in college, this client applied and was accepted into a workforce development program. She now has a secure, safe, and supportive living environment for her and her children.

Finally, she found a job she loves and is making a wage that will help her be able to eventually transition herself and her children into a home of their own. At present, this amazing woman is still committed to her sobriety and is actively progressing toward her goal of a happy, healthy, violence-free home for her and her family.

Project THRIVE (Transformative Help, Resilience, and Inclusivity for Violence Elimination)

Project THRIVE reflects our commitment to fostering transformation, resilience, and inclusivity while working toward the elimination of violence in our community.

This grant aims to bolster the operation of WAVI’s 56-bed emergency safe shelter and comprehensive case management services, ensuring the continued delivery of the high-quality services for which WAVI is consistently recognized. Project THRIVE reflects our commitment to fostering transformation, resilience, and inclusivity while working toward the elimination of violence in our community.

This grant aims to bolster the operation of WAVI’s 56-bed emergency safe shelter and comprehensive case management services, ensuring the continued delivery of the high-quality services for which WAVI is consistently recognized.