Shelter Services

If you are in immediate danger:

 We offer many types of services to assist with survivors of domestic violence, sexual assault, stalking, and human trafficking, including emergency services, referrals and information, safety planning, and education.

24-hour emergency shelter

Our ADA-compliant, drug- and alcohol-free shelter provides a safe haven for all genders and ages (accompanied minors) who are with survivors of domestic violence, sexual assault, stalking, and human trafficking. There is no cost to clients.

Comprehensive case management

Our case managers assess a client’s needs and assist with a personal safety plan and an action plan. Click here to download our personalized safety plan.

Emergency department response

WAVI volunteers and staff respond 24 hours a day to the emergency room to support victims of sexual assault and domestic violence.

Support groups

WAVI offers weekly support groups for survivors of interpersonal violence. Meetings are Wednesdays, 5:30-6:30 p.m. and childcare is provided with advanced notice.

Call 605-341-3292 to speak with a case manager to reserve your spot.


24-hour crisis line

Our trained advocates provide emotional support and information. Call 888-716-9284.

Information and referrals

WAVI provides community referrals for many services, including housing, education, daycare, employment, medical needs, clothing vouchers, legal assistance, and counseling.

Legal advocacy

WAVI assists with filing temporary protection orders and stalking orders. We will also accompany clients to court proceedings and interviews with law enforcement.

Community education

WAVI presents education and prevention programs to community agencies, civic organizations, and area schools. Click here to learn more.


If you are in a safe place, call us at 605-341-4808 or click below to email.